About 3 years ago, I was late night perusing housing listings, at a loss that we would ever find a house that I loved, let alone could afford (ie. under a million dollars). My husband Mark found an option in less than 5 minutes, and 2 months later it was ours.
Always one to name everything, I called the house Casa Giugno - which is June in Italian. June is a big month for us - the month we moved in, and now the month our daughter Fiamma was born. The name also pays a tribute to the late owner, also named June, who was an artist, collector and beloved community member. The house had been in her family for about 75 years. It seemed fitting to name the house after her and to commemorate this transfer from one June to the other.
I have big plans for this house. Initially when we moved in, we were very ambitious -we now laugh at how much with thought we could accomplish in the two weeks before we moved in.
Clients always ask if I own everything from the shop - to be honest, some pieces look better at the shop and some pieces from the shop eventually make their way over to the house.